Mildura United Soccer Club
Pitch 9, Soccer Park, Aerodrome Ovals Mildura
President: Jon (Thomas) Koutlis
Email: spatali82@gmail.com
Mobile: 0477 074 508
Vice President:
Nichols Point Soccer Club
Nichols Point Oval, 5th Street, Nichols Point
President: Roxanne Jones
Email: president@nicholspointsc.com.au
Mobile: 0423 174 693
Vice President: Ollie Szeto
Email: ollie_9394@hotmail.com
Mobile: 0417 309 394
Website: www.nicholspointsc.com.au
Three Colours Soccer Club
Pitch 10, Soccer Park, Aerodrome Ovals Mildura
President: Lucy Fotia
Email: mlfotia4@bigpond.com
Mobile: 0439 302 090
Registrations: Kylie Gallo
Email: kgallo1@bigpond.com
Mobile: 028 269 203
Website: www.threecolours.com.au
Irymple Knights Soccer Club
Henshilwood Park Reserve, Irymple
President: Sam Primarano
Email: irympleknights@homemail.com
Mobile: 0400 005 982
Registrations Officer: Heather Stamation
Email: regos@irympleknights.org.au
Mobile: 0428 171 160
Website: www.irympleknights.org.au
Mildura City Soccer Club
Kenny Park Merbein
President: Vince Pollifrone
Email: vtpolli@bigpond.com
Mobile: 0408 235 669
Registrations: Chris Grimmer
Mobile: 0409 502 966
After looking through our clubs if you are unsure which club would suit you best, feel free to give our general manager
Susan Watts a call to discuss. Find her info in the contact page.